Magic Mondays

Magic Mondays
Every Monday night is Magic Monday at Hatch Family Chocolates! Close up entertainment at your table-side, at Magic Monday you get to see brand new magic every week.
In 1917 Grandma Hatch became a professional chocolate dipper. Since then, four generations of her children and grandchildren have been instructed in the techniques of hand dipping chocolates and making quality confections.
Today there are few true chocolate dippers and candy makers. These skills are fast becoming lost arts. Our Avenues storefront was opened in 2003 to ensure that our family’s strong tradition of candy making survives and is passed on to many more generations to come.
Speed and mass production have resulted in the development of “copies”, but can never replace the uniqueness of the real thing. If you receive a gift of our hand dipped candies or confections, you can be assured that the giver considers you special. That person wanted you to enjoy some real quality candy and a taste of the past before it is gone forever. We hope that you agree that it was worth their effort.